2025 Race Policies


We are in the process of updating our 2025 race policies. Please check back on November 15.


Changing your distance is allowed, subject to the following:

  • You may upgrade or downgrade your current registration if the distance you are choosing has not reached the maximum participant cap.

  • Participants must pay the difference in fees if upgrading from the 10K to the Half Marathon. The difference in fees will not be refunded if downgrading to the 10K from the Half Marathon.

  • All distance changes must be made prior to race week by Sunday, August 31st.


We will follow the Montana Department of Environmental Quality measurements to make decisions regarding race day. While Montana does have a fire season, Bozeman is usually fortunate in that air quality is usually not compromised thanks to our higher elevation and distance from active fires. However, if air quality reaches an unhealthy level, race officials reserve the right to cancel the event. In previous years, we have not had to cancel the race.